Just wrapped up studying for and passing Microsoft’s 70-680 exam “Windows 7, Configuring”. I had been told by various people it was a very difficult exam but the study materials I used made the exam seem pretty straight forward. As you can imagine, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I finally sat for the exam. So with a bit of my usual cockiness replaced by a small amount of uncertainty I clicked the big begin exam button. Unfortunately the Prometric software did not care for me and threw some kind of error about a file not being found at a totally bad path (something like F:FolderFolder/some other folder/something/test.exm). Whoops, looks like someone didn’t quite get the path correct there! Fortunately about 20 minutes later they had it fixed and I easily passed the exam with a comfy 850 score. Pretty easy stuff if you ask me! On to bigger and better things. My VMWare class finally starts on the 23rd. Really excited for this one. Might try to tackle something between now and then. CIW Database perhaps?